Demon Squad 2 is Funded!

On April 23 we hit a huge milestone: Our Kickstarter campaign was funded in a matter of two days!!!


Being able to slap the "Just Funded" banner on the campaign thumbnail felt so, so good. Thank you all for making this happen! We hope to make you all proud. Thanks to each and every one of you who pledged and shared the campaign.

We’re bringing on an outside writer to take our story outline and the scenes we’ve written so far and make it all shine. I think many of you will be very familiar with the writer… None other than the super talented Devon Coleman, who was a writer on the Demon Squad episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000!

Devon reached out to us about a month before the episode aired last year, interested to learn our thoughts about the experience and our feedback on the episode once it aired, and we all kind of hit it off. Devon legit enjoyed Demon Squad, gets the characters, the world, and the vibe of what we’re trying to do. So, we’re looking forward to working with Devon to bring this cool story to life.

To everyone who supported the campaign, THANK YOU!

More updates to come…